It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle & bustle of life and get bogged down with excuses to not prioritize our health. I did that for too many years and I’m not able to take that back. We ALL deserve vibrant and long lives- free of pain and with positive intentions.
these are Eight morning rituals for vitality I perform to feel great, become stronger, reduce inflammation, sleep better, improve brain health and prevent disease. I’ve been doing these every single day for awhile now and I have noticed a huge difference in my energy levels, how I feel, positivity levels and how I sleep. be sure to let me know if you also love some of these morning rituals.

warm lemon water:
warm lemon water upon waking has many benefits to starting your day. warm lemon water is linked to detoxifying organs, de-bloating the stomach, reducing inflammation, flushing toxins and aiding in digestion. you likely already read about these amazing benefits in my daily eight post. it’s a game changer.
i personally boil 1.5 cups of filtered water and add it to a mug with the juice of 1/2 organic lemon and i add the lemon itself to the mug too. cover with a saucer to steep and drink ideally 30 minutes before breakfast.

a hot shower and alone time:
my son is a very early riser (5:30-6am), and I started noticing a pattern of beginning the day with an uneasiness, stress or frustration if I wasn’t able to get some alone time before the day began. all of my rituals, by default, end up making me sleep so much deeper making the earlier wakeup call so much easier.
my husband wakes at 5am to meditate and prepare our lemon waters then wakes me at 5:30am. I will take a hot shower in the dimly-lit bathroom and sip my warm lemon water while I get ready for the day. I make our bed and go to greet my son in his bedroom around 6:15am.

a protein-rich breakfast:
my next priority is fueling our family with a protein-rich breakfast to set the tone for the day. I aim to get 40-50 grams of protein in the morning to help my blood sugar levels stay regulated and I will stay full until 11:30am, about 4-5 hours after breakfast.
my husband prepares my son a frozen grain-free waffle or pancake, (we use the simple mills mix to freeze pancakes). He tops the waffle with organic almond butter and fresh berries. He then prepares my bulletproof protein coffee while I prepare 6-8 scrambled pastured eggs in pastured butter for all three of us. My husband cut out caffeine about 6 months ago and instead of my protein coffee, he steams almond milk to mix with vanilla bean protein power, our favorite collagen, organic lion’s mane mushroom powder and spices.

high-quality supplements:
high-quality supplements help me fill the gaps where I may be lacking. I’m currently taking a pre-natal vitamin (another form of a multi vitamin), as well as colostrum, omega-3s, berberine for blood sugar regulation as well as a few herbs/fruits for hormone support, (I have excess estrogen).
My husband also has a protocol to help with oxidative stress and a leaky gut. We also have my son on a clean ingredient multi-vitamin as well as an iron supplement.

morning sunlight:
this is one of the simplest things you could possibly do for better sleep. the secret is to get outside within an hour of waking and expose your face and body to the morning sun. I also walk barefoot in the grass in our backyard while I do this. morning sunlight is linked to helping readjust your circadian rhythm for faster and deeper nighttime sleep. try this for a week and I promise you will notice a difference.

what is grounding? it’s as simple as sticking your feed on the ground. you can do this in your backyard, on a beach, walking on a trail or in a sunny park. grounding normalizes circadian rhythm, helps sleep, reduces inflammation and helps rid body of stores emfs (Electromagnetic fields). if you can, make sure to ground in an area that hasn’t been treated with pesticides as your skin is your biggest organ and absorbs toxins almost instantaneously.

daily movement:
the benefits of exercise and daily movement are staggering for longevity, energy levels, better sleep, stress and so much more.
I personally focus on walking and strength training classes. I do 30 minute peloton strength classes 4-5 times a week and alternate body areas so my muscles are able to rest and repair. for example, Monday is glutes/legs, Wednesday is core, Friday is arms and Saturday is full body. I need to get back on my rigorous walking game but regular walks have been challenging in this texas heat. I get my walks in first thing in the morning or right after I’ve dropped my son at school. 30-35 minutes of brisk power walking is ideal for me, a few times a week.
daily affirmations:
Daily affirmations are my newest addition to my eight morning rituals for vitality and perhaps the most powerful. I discovered an iPhone app that delivers positive affirmations to you all day long. I’ve found, for me, it’s a gentle reminder to reset my thinking and focus on hope and positivity. if I find my mind wandering or thinking negatively, having an affirmation pop up shortly after will often change the course of my thinking.

I hope this post has provided some inspiration to perhaps begin some of your own morning rituals. keep me posted if you find one particularly helpful or powerful. xoxo- Callie
*disclaimer: I am not a doctor, nor do I claim to be. I’m just living proof of these things changing my life.*