My name is Callie – I’m an Austin-born only child who’s lived in Fort Worth the past 20 years.
In those years I graduated from TCU, fell in love, went to culinary school, started a food blog, was diagnosed with hashimoto’s, founded and recently ended 3 businesses, was awakened to the power of food as medicine, reversed my hashimoto’s blood work through diet & lifestyle, lost my best friend – my father, and gained a best friend – my 2-year-old son.
after recent years of trauma, grief and health issues, our little family made the grand decision to close our businesses and take a year to travel and focus on our family. our final move will be back to Austin in summer ’24- my hometown.
clean recipes
simple joys
speaking my truth
spreading our wings
Eight Veggie Meat Sauce
This Eight Veggie Meat Sauce is packed with nutrients, protein and veggies- perfect to pair with any pasta or lasagna.
Sushi Tuna Salad
This Niçoise Style Tuna Salad is a cross between a composed Niçoise salad, creamy scoopable tuna salad and a delicious dip- all in one.
Rainbow Detox Soup
This Rainbow Detox Soup is the perfect nutrient-dense and anti-inflammatory soup for a nourishing lunch or dinner.
How I’m Eating for my Hormones
Eight morning rituals for vitality that I perform daily to feel great, become stronger, improve brain health and prevent disease.
“Inhale, exhale, it is well, it is well. All of this is a part of the story you will tell.” — Morgan Harper Nichols
How I’m Eating for my Hormones
Eight morning rituals for vitality that I perform daily to feel great, become stronger, improve brain health and prevent disease.
How I Manage my Hashimoto’s
Follow me on my journey of How I Manage my Hashimoto’s and reversed my bloodwork through diet and lifestyle changes.