the *ultimate* blood sugar-balancing lunchbox

here are some fresh ideas for building a blood-sugar balancing lunchbox so your child can shine and thrive all day long! did you know that balancing your child’s blood sugar with their meals can help prevent loss of focus, behavioral issues, digestive issues, mood imbalances and even a weakened immune system? food is truly medicine.

back to school can bring on so much excitement and new opportunities but also can perpetuate a hurried state, brain fog and stress- especially if we don’t begin our day with the proper fuel. read below for all the tips and tricks to pack the ultimate blood sugar-balancing lunchbox and give your kids the opportunity for a strong & steady day, as opposed to crash & burn. 

importance of blood sugar regulation:

When our blood sugar drops, we release stress hormones (cortisol), which can put ourselves and children under a state of stress. 

what can spike our blood sugar? Refined carbs and sugar are usually the main culprits. exposure to food dyes can also contribute to behavioral issues and more.

what helps regulate our blood sugar? eating whole foods, balancing complex carbs, healthy fats and proteins. if your child loves certain sweets or refined carbs, try to make sure they also have added components to complete the snack or meal so they are more efficiently able to perform. this ultimate blood sugar-balancing lunch box will do just that!

balancing macros

Here are some examples of items to mix and match in your child’s lunchbox to support blood sugar regulation. for example, try not to serve an apple alone, but try pairing it with almond butter and deli turkey to prevent their body from breaking down the sugar, (complex carb), from the apple alone. 

bento box components:

And viola! here is a sample lunch I will normally pack for my toddler, (2.5 years old), all stowed together in an Austin baby co. bento box and apple of my Isla lunchbox. I hope I’ve provided some inspiration and hope your child has a healthy and happy start to the new year! from top left going clockwise: 

  • organic apples with cashew butter
  • seasonal fruit, (peach, cherry plums, raspberries, currants)
  • Yumster yo-yo bar
  • salted cashews & pistachios
  • turkey & avocado pinwheels with chive cream cheese
  • yellow bell peppers & olives
  • refined sugar & grain-free cookies

*view my back to school faves here*
*view more lunchbox hacks here*

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