Toddler Toy Rotation

Struggling with a small space? No play room? Influx of toys? Toddler boredom? A big giant mess of too much chaos?

Try a monthly toddler TOY ROTATION!

BENEFITS of *TOY ROTATION* from @healthiest_baby

  • promotes creativity
  • fewer toys improve cognitive development
  • sustained play is advanced with fewer toys
  • kids play in more varied ways with fewer toys
  • too many toys reduce quality of play
  • studies show that too many toys cause distractions
  • studies show the depth and length of playtime with 4 toys was better than 16 toys
  • organization and less clutter

Steps I take for Toy Rotation:

  • Vacuum, disinfect old toys, empty @pehr storage bins, dust toy organization furniture.
  • Return books to bookshelf- rotate out new. If toddler has some favorite books, you don’t have to rotate! Focus on toys or books they aren’t utilizing.
  • Pack toys to rotate in storage boxes or closet- out of sight. Consider donating any outdated or unused toys.
  • Unpack “new” toys and re-fill storage bins, play table and shelves.
  • Kick back and relax while your toddler re-discovers their favorite toys!
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